The weather in Farmville, NC, usually doesn’t turn too nasty in the winter. Compared to other places in the U.S., this time of year is much nicer. However, there are times when the temperature can still fall to uncomfortable levels, prompting people to stay inside more. This is often the case with kids, who may not be able to do their usual outdoor activities outdoors in the winter. The good news is there are some good options to entertain your kids outside or inside.
Paint Winter Pictures
Arts and crafts are great when the weather outside is less than ideal. You and your kids don’t have to feel cooped up inside. Instead, put your imagination and creativity to work. A few sheets of paper and some watercolors are all you need to occupy your kids. You can also develop and improve their painting skills.
Furthermore, your kids may learn that they have a new talent. Encourage your kids to paint winter scenes with winter colors such as blue, gray, and white. Some popular wintery pictures include snowmen, snow-covered mountains, and frozen ponds.
Paint With Ice
If you want to try something a little different than watercolors, check out ice painting. It’s a simple and fun process. Firstly, grab an ice-cube tray and fill each mold with water. Then take some food coloring and put a drop or two in each mold. You can pick any colors you wish. Secondly, place popsicle sticks in the colored water. Lastly, place the tray in the freezer.
After a few hours, remove the tray. Gently remove the sticks from the mold. Doing so should take out the colored cubes. You can then use these as paintbrushes to create any pictures you want. Make sure to place something under the paper to protect your tables and countertops.
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Build an Igloo
In places where there is lots of snowfall, people can enjoy building igloos out of ice blocks in the yard. However, in Farmville, NC, you may be out of luck going this route. But this does not mean you can try another, smaller version of the activity. By using sugar cubes, you and your kids can have a good time putting together miniature igloos. Mixing two egg whites, a lemon, and some sugar will create a type of mortar to hold the cubes together. You can then paint and decorate the igloo how you see fit.
Don’t let wintertime leave your kids feeling like there is nothing to do. Now is a good time to enjoy these activities. Pick one today and then move on to the next one. Your kids will be engaged and have fun spending time with you.
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